Latest News


Loose Parts Kit

The Friends of Low Furness have purchased a huge loose parts kit for school. The Early Years have been enjoying using it.  They have built tractors, dens and boats. We would like to say thank you to FLF and Ragtag Arts in Kendal where we bought it from.


Year 5 and 6 Netball Tournament

A fantastic tournament for the Low Furness Netball team. They played 3 games and won all 3. Great teamwork and sportsmanship all round. Well done team!


Easter in Church

Today, the whole school attended Church for our Easter service. We listened carefully to the service and the story of Easter. We also sang lots of Easter songs too. All of the children sang their hearts out and behaved fantastically. A huge thank you to our Reverend and

Low Furness CE Primary School

This website has been designed to give you a brief background of our school, our children, our staff and our school family.

If you ever have any questions, or are unclear about anything happening in school, please do not hesitate to contact us. What may seem a small worry to a child can grow into a major concern if not addressed.

We believe in working closely with Parents and Carers and we feel that by working together as a team your child will gain the maximum from their time at Low Furness.

Mrs Sue Little, Headteacher
Gary Thompson, Chair of Governors